Sunday, November 20, 2011

Beautiful Widget

To purveors of the corporate model, the Wall Street protestors are likely perceived as widgets gone mad.  The corporate model defines people as widgets; generic, useful objects.  In the corporate model, people are essential tools, yet generally ignored outside the time of intended use. Widgets are blind, nameless objects held in low esteem with little value beyond the corporate model's intention.
The corporate model and the exploitation of talent by the media that serves it has hyped and failed us as a human race. The promises were a desert mirage that barely hid the foul realities of extrordinary waste and corruption. And from the seas of excess, we've landed hard upon the shores of separation where families that live 5 miles away have gone years without communication. 

People are not widgets.

Many who trusted their families to the provisions of the corporate model settled for being a widget, and are feeling disillusioned by so much loss at the hands of corporate corruption.  Many feel the high noon of this age of separation, and a disconnection from true inspiration.  They feen for their dreams, are addicted to excess, or are stimulated by trends, violent imagery and messages mass produced by the corporate model for distribution by the media that serves it.  They feel the dawning of the age of consequence. Hard working people who did 'all the right things' are bearing the consequence of a progress they enabled. The square peg that never did fit the corporate model has grown weary of all efforts to do so, and those responsible for the implementation of that flawed model are scattering like rats as worldwide chaos ensues, and financial markets burn up in smoke or melt to copper. 

And while it may be difficult to see it now (especially for those of us at the bottom of this poorly intended food chain), from the ashes rises a beauty called hope.

Search For The Artist Within

This is a time when we truly need the Force of beauty that comes from within; a break from the madness of the maze and all this change.  A chance to turn the eye in search of the Artist - a moment to allow that square peg to finally see the light of day.  In the midst, the Artist within must take up her mat, find a voice and let it sing.  And as we do live in a modern society that seems to only have appreciation for brands of extreme, excess and bling imagery, the Artist will feel the weight of consequence shift as authenticity demands and takes its space.  The Artist has long been excluded from the corporate model for his displeasure at its flaws and for seeking change, because if the Artist and his desires are not a part of the plan that feeds the corporate monster, it is a sworn enemy.  And just as the Artists is an enemy of the corporate beast, its monetary gods and its media henchmen, procrastination is the enemy of the Artist's success.

While there may be little appreciation for the Artist within wherever you are, as the corporate model unravels it is good that we feed the need we have for that unique Force of beauty that the Artist brings to the world.  Beauty is always where you find it, and the Source of it is within.  Creation speaks as art throughout humanity, and we, the Artists are people; sparks of the Divine expressing the God within us.

People are not widgets.

From the 2011 release 'The God In Me' by Arkay Evans
© Arkay Evans 2011

1 comment:

  1. Where woud I be without my songwriting...even if it never pays me a dime, it is my little piece of freedom. My escape from a world where I will never comfortably fit. And to read your words makes me strong, makes me feel I have an advocate. And so again I say thank you!


Peace friends, and thanks for checking out my blog! I welcome creative ideas and constructive feedback. Be sure to stop by and visit my website at Be True to the God in You. Cheers, Arkay