Friday, February 3, 2012


True faith is hard to find. What, with all the Negative Noises blaring and oppressing from every source with baiting and manipulations. Even an act of kindness can be considered defiance in a twisted mind. So what. Let um twist. Be kind anyway, and live secure in faith through these difficult times. Prayer and meditation are the opposite of worry. Enlightenment is not defined in webs of religious legalisms, skepticisms, power struggles, imposed beliefs, and oppressions. Faith Is Personal, and Freedom is a place where anything is possible for the woman or man willing to handle the business in the mirror. Call it a new day and let the old one go.  Self acceptance is Enlightenment; a declaration of Divine ownership - a full embrace of the God in YOU.  And then, what will you DO with all that excellence? Because you better know - To whom much is given, much is required. ____________________________________________________________________

My faith is mine,
and I am Free to decide.
My faith
is the why
of who I am and the how
of what I do,
My faith
is mine to define,
and I don't need acceptance from you,
The acceptance I need
must come from ME.
for the things that I cannot control,
Acceptance for the decadence;
The wrongdoings of others with no lament,
The luxury of procrastination
at my expense,
of the fact that I will never change those wrongs
no matter what I do,
Acceptance that I have needs,
and am worthy to receive
the Love and Care that I Give and Value,
My Faith is the Freedom of Knowing My Truth!
My faith is mine.
I am Free to decide,
and I don't need acceptance
from you

© Arkay Evans 2011


  1. WOW, Lady! This is wonderful, full ON!
    Stay open... you are quite the receiver of truth... thank you SO much for sharing!

  2. Thank you Vera:-) Praying that you and the family are well. Bless you my friend!


Peace friends, and thanks for checking out my blog! I welcome creative ideas and constructive feedback. Be sure to stop by and visit my website at Be True to the God in You. Cheers, Arkay